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Lifelong learners start their education at home.

-Beverly Paine

We wholeheartedly embrace and encourage parental involvement in JAHM Chai Tots Preschool and understand how it enriches our program and the lives of our children. A strong home/school connection demonstrates to children that we are all working toward the same goals and makes the lessons we impart at school even more significant and enduring.


We invite parents and grandparents to become our partners in their children’s education by always welcoming them into our school, including them in holiday celebrations, and encouraging them to visit classrooms to share their areas of special interest and expertise. We cherish the warm relationship we enjoy with our parents that are regularly nurtured through such programs as our Mother’s Day Picnic, Bubby and Zayde Shabbat, family holiday and Shabbat events, to name a few. We educate parents about our unique educational philosophy and keep them abreast of activities in their children’s classrooms through weekly classroom newsletters. Parents learn precisely how we weave the educational disciplines together through written descriptions of activities and photographs of their children engaged in learning throughout the day. Newsletters are our opportunity to provide parents a window into how their children spend their day at JAHM Chai Tots Preschool. They are also a great way to obtain important information such as the dates of school celebrations and holiday events.


We welcome and encourage parent participation in our program and consider our partnership with parents pivotal in shaping and enriching the early childhood experience. Continuous communication is the cornerstone of this relationship which heavily relies on dialogue that comfortably flows between the family and school.


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